Tips for Working From Home

49 Responses

  1. Mohammad says:

    Great tips for making an office at home… initially during lockdown, I was working on the sofa… then I moved to my desk (once I had cleared it of clutter)… but I need to get a proper office setup to make it more conducive to work and to make me more efficient – very helpful list of home office products to help me work more efficiently.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Mohammad, It’s definitely helpful to have the correct tools for any job — a properly set up home office is no exception!

  2. Cogito says:

    Omg! This article is so helpful. I’ve been working from home for over a year now and oftentimes get back pain. I was thinking about getting some helpful furniture but never seen that wobbly stool before. This looks like something I’m missing! Also, one thing that is cool about home office is feet massaging balls – you may check those out too.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Cogito, I do have a spikey ball in my home office that I use for foot massage — what a great suggestion! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Cynthia says:

    Have a comfortable and ergonomic workspace is important.  This is even more so when a person is suddenly working from home, as it can be disorienting.  Your suggestions are all good ones but I feel the most important ones are to take care of the ergonomic issues with the correct chair, proper desk height and keyboard positioning. Having said that, I’m happy you’ve covered the other things that may not occur to people but are also important such as headphones, speakers, microphone and cam.  You’ve done a thorough job with this article.  Thank you for posting.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Cynthia, I agree that good ergonomics should be given high priority in any office. The difference that ergonomics can make is incredible – it’s an investment that should pay for itself with increased productivity and reduced injuries.

  4. Lisa says:

    Wow! this is an amazing post! I learned about some things by looking at the things you chose to show. I never knew there were smart plugs to make your lights and small appliances work with Alexa, for example! Pretty cool!

    I do wonder if perhaps you might want to break this page into several pages — say one for office supplies and one for furniture? It did get a bit exhausting looking at all the lovely things after a while. But what kept me going was how interesting the things you chose were.

    Office lamps with USP charging ports! Decorative filing cabinets! Movable ones! Your page was really fun to see.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Lisa, Thank you so much for your feedback! There are definitely some easy ways to upgrade a home office, and I’m glad that you might have found some fun new favorites!

  5. Paolo says:

    I began working from home during the pandemic and I would like to keep on doing this for the rest of my life. But I have realized that there are things that must be bought to create a comfortable home office. One of them is a UPS backup power supply. And another thing I need urgently is a monitor stand.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Paolo, I purchased a high-quality monitor stand at a doctor’s recommendation about 10 years ago. It is easily one of the best purchases I have ever made! A monitor stand will obviously make it easier to do your work by placing your screen where you need it. A huge added benefit was that it also improved my health by preventing previous issues caused by awkward screen-viewing positions!

  6. Leahrae says:

    I do work from home from my home office and welcome these great tips.  I need to get my space more in tune and comfortable for working from home 🙂  I love some of the items you have shown for the office furniture and I definitely need to use something besides my kitchen chair.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Leahrae, I’m so glad to hear that you found some workable home office ideas. I definitely recommend that you get a good office chair if you need to sit for long periods — you will thank yourself for the investment in your own comfort!

  7. Tracey says:

    I am so happy I came across your site, I will be going through each of these to see what is the best fit for my family, we are currently in the process of outfitting our office. It’s well laid out and all the necessary furniture and equipment are presented in one location. Thanks for including a few choices in the categories as well. Great article about working with home tips and products.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Tracey, It can definitely be helpful to have a handful of home office space ideas as you plan a new functional space. Best of luck to you and your family with the home office arrangement and setup!

  8. Lisa says:

    I have been working from home for the past year and I still need to get a comfy chair! At the moment I sit at the dining room table with my laptop and by the end of the day, my shoulders are all bunched up and sore. You have given so many great ideas of things I need to be more comfortable with. I have a Himalayan salt lamp that gives out a lot of natural light and a soothing soft glow. Thank you for the recommendations working from home!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Lisa, I hope you are able to treat yourself to a quality home office chair soon — it will likely make a huge difference in your level of comfort on a daily basis!

  9. Nedia says:

    Hi, thanks for this article on tips for working from home, I like the product that you featured in this article, I will get some! thanks to the pandemic I am also one of those people working from home. It is a bit strange but with your tips and bringing some of the items like the office chair home, it will give us more of a feel of a proper working environment that we should adapt to!

    • Alyce says:

      HI Nedia, I have been working from a home office for over a decade now, but the first thing I bought to make my home office more workable was the Herman Miller Aeron chair. I was fortunate to work for an employer who had them and I became quickly hooked on these comfy office chairs! It’s been a fantastic investment and I recommend them to everyone!

  10. Bogadi says:

    This is just a timely post. I was having a conversation with my husband that it has been a year now, since we both started to work from home but we are still working on the best home office setup. It is our next project to set up work spaces for ourselves and for the kids as we are also homeschooling. Your article will come in handy as we embark on this process. Thank you .

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Bogadi, It can definitely feel like a bigger issue to solve when you have so many different work styles and people to accommodate. Best of luck and I hope that you find some perfect home office setup ideas!

  11. Jean says:

    Hi, Thank you so much for your great content. My home office has become the place where I spend the better part of my day, I am always looking for some great work from home tips and products that will make my life easier. I am a writer and I must say that a mechanical keyboard will really make things much easier for me, not to mention feeling spoiled as well. Take care

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Jean, I agree that a great, comfortable keyboard is extremely important for writers and anyone doing a lot of work at their desk! It’s a huge upgrade from the “chiclet” style keys that are standard on most laptops these days!

  12. Norman says:

    So many people worldwide are turning a part of their home into an office because of what is happening globally. For many, this shift has been a life and a game-changer that so many people are adapting to. What better way than to add home office ideas to set up with all of the modern amenities and make working from home so much better. I believe it’s all about planning your home office the right way. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Norman, This past year has definitely made a lot more of us think about how to organize home office! 

  13. Collinsss says:

    I really like the furniture because the Coronavirus disease has made us change what is needed to work from home. The organizing home office tips are smart since we are no longer keeping our files at a separate office away from the house. I would definitely get some things on this catalog. They look very splendid

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Collinsss, One of the best things about having a separate office was having that dedicated space for work and a separate space for leisure. Successfully adapting our homes to include this functional area can indeed be challenging, but it is definitely possible!

  14. Rhett says:

    Our home office setups have become more important then ever. These are some good products that can help increase productivity. One thing that I do recommend adding are mechanical keyboards. Mechanical keyboards are worth the higher price tag as they make typing easier, and more satisfying. Especially if you’re a writer. 

    Other good products to increase productivity include ultrawide monitors, and a comfortable chair. This way, you can be at your desk the whole workday without ever feeling uncomfortable. While stand up desks allow you to continue working while getting that much needed stretch. 

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Rhett, You are correct. It is very helpful to have a mechanical and ergonomic keyboard. I’ve also been surprised at how much of a difference it makes to have a silent mouse to cut down on unnecessary clicking noises. Thanks for sharing your work from home tips and ideas!

  15. Geoff says:

    This is an excellent theme for a post.  There are indeed many more people working from home and they will need some home office design ideas.  I must admit I don’t know why anyone would want to stand all day to work, so I much preferred looking at your luxurious desk chairs!

    As usual, you have really thought it out carefully and included a vast array of products.

    Keep up the good work!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Geoff, I have worked in a lot of corporate offices, but only once did I meet someone who preferred to use a standing desk configuration full time. Most people prefer comfy desk chairs for office jobs. 

  16. AL. S. says:

    This pandemic really has changed the whole employment landscape for a huge portion of the workforce. Thousands of businesses have seen they do not need to have everyone working in a consolidated area in cubicles in order to get the job done. Working from home is quickly becoming the new way to run a business. This is a great site for an all in one place roll up to get everything you need for a home office. Great site.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Al, I expect that even when the pandemic is behind us that employers will realize that there may be a huge cost-benefit for them to allow workers to work from home. I’ll bet the work from home life is here to stay!

  17. Kokontala says:

    Hi, this is an interesting and helpful article about tips for working from home. Sometimes we simply take a small chair, sit down, and start working, but that isn’t ideal for the long term. These working in home tips introduce home office ideas to create a more productive home environment. This is very important. I’ll be getting some of these items and create a strong productive environment. A set of noise cancelling headphones would be really helpful, or even just a good sound machine.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Kokotala, Thanks for sharing! It’s definitely helpful to tune out distractions when focusing on work. I use the SONOS speakers in my home office with the CALM app. The CALM app has some great background “music” options that can be used for a variety of scenarios, including focusing on work. 

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