Free Birthday Treat at Dippin’ Dots

12 Responses

  1. Kirkman says:

    this is always an awesome opportunity to celebrate birhdays in a grand style and i would have loved this for my daughters birthday. i am sure that there is lock down so i might have to postponed it. is it possible to engage their services at my residence? will that be possible at al?

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Kirkman, Check their website as you can order products from them directly online (availability depends on whether or not you live within their delivery area). 

  2. Smoochi says:

     The first thing that i want to do, i will  share this superb article with some friends of mine. Your website is really nice. and i have learnt something that is tangible from this well researched article on free birthday treat at dippin dots.

    i would have loved this treat for my birthday but there is restriction of movement now so maybe some other time

    • Alyce says:

      I would imagine that there are a number of Dippin’ Dots locations that have temporarily closed for the COVID-19 pandemic response as there are a lot of them in stadiums and parks. However, I have seen standalone ice cream stands (takeout only) open near my home, so you may want to check your local Dippin’ Dots for current hours just to be sure. 

  3. Courtney says:

    A best rewards program. I have never seen a website like this and I think this is a fantastic idea. I have seen coupon books but never an online experience such as this. Would you call this an e-coupon book? And I especially love Dippin’ Dots. I love them on a hot day as those dots keep me cool and relaxed. Great idea and thank you for sharing your website with the masses.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Courtney, this website helps to round up offers and great values from numerous sources, and is not just limited to e-coupon offers. I agree that Dippin’ Dots are quite a treat!!

  4. Paolo says:

    Ciao! Wao, I could not have come across this post in a better time! My birthday is in five days (that means that my birthday month is April)! And I love Dippin’ Dots! I’ll go over right now and follow them on all these social media platforms. The only one I don’t have is Pinterest.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Paolo, You will need to follow the sign up instructions in order to be eligible for the freebies. It’s best to sign up with more advance notice, but you might be able to get this year’s freebie if you go ahead and sign up now. Happy birthday!

  5. Ella says:

    Knowing that there exists offers such as this out there that actually provide treats for birthday celebration and all is okay. Though I never knew about this that dippins offer before but thanks to this post out here now. My birtjday is in the early period in may and I would definitely look to get my fair share of the free treats

  6. Riley says:

    The icecream at dipping dots are second to none and I really like to give them a try. My friends birthday is coming really soon and ßshe is equally a big fan. I think it will be really good to have a free treat of the icecream when it’s her birthday. I like the fact that you can share us some stickers from the company too. Because of the pandemic, are they still in operation?

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Riley, it is great to sign up now / in advance of a birthday to be sure that the birthday is included when email lists are created (usually at least a couple of weeks before they are sent). Each location may have a different policy with regards to open hours, so it’s best to check with your local shops to be sure. 

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