Free Birthday Food at Baskin Robbins

4 Responses

  1. Nathaniel says:

    Hello Alyce – I have always thought birthdays were special …especially mine!  I always try to do something on mine; even if it’s nothing (if that’s what I really want to do).  I am always thankful that the good Lord has spared me for another year.  Now after reading your post I have another consideration – a Baskin Robins birthday cake! I attempted to sign up but online ordering is temporally unavailable for the store near me.  I will try later.  My birthday is in June so…

    Thanks for this opportunity!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Nathaniel, Hopefully your local store will be back up online by the time your birthday arrives! Enjoy the Baskin Robbins birthday gift and have a very happy birthday!

  2. Shirley says:

    I’ve been reading your blog post about Basket Robbins Loyalty program.  I must say I learned something because I was not aware of it before reading the blog.  I definitely need to make my husband aware of this because he is an “ice cream” fan for sure.  The coupon itself is rather pretty and $3 off for your birthday is cool indeed.  I was also interested to learn that they will deliver – that too is nice.  Your link to sign up for their newsletter is something I may use to sign up.  Thanks for this helpful blog post – Shirley

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Shirley, You are most welcome! I hope that you and your husband enjoy this opportunity to enjoy your free birthday treat from Baskin Robbins.

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