How to Save on Prescription Medications and Medical Expenses

19 Responses

  1. Todd Snively says:

    Great suggestions!  Many medical bills are too high and it’s a good idea to ask your physician how to save on medical expenses before the visit. You can then negotiate the cost or find another doctor if you cannot afford the bill. Another way to save is to ask your physician if the tests or procedures they recommend are medically necessary. This way, they can determine if they can recommend an alternative treatment. Depending on the procedure, they can also work with you to determine whether insurance covers them.

    To reduce the cost of your medical care, check out what your health insurance covers. There may be discounts available for specific services or medications. You may also be able to negotiate with your provider about a payment schedule. Many providers will give you a discount for some services simply because you are a regular customer. By taking advantage of these programs, you can reduce your costs and enjoy a sense of financial security. Listed below are some ways to save money on medical costs.

    Set aside emergency funds for your medical care. Setting aside a portion of your budget each month can cover a few thousand dollars in medical bills. Besides setting aside money each month, health savings accounts are another good way to pay for medical expenses. These accounts are usually offered through your employer and are specifically designed for medical bills. They are particularly helpful when the deductible is high. If you do not have health insurance or pay cash, you can always ask for a discount.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Todd, Thanks for sharing all of your tips regarding saving money on healthcare expenses. It’s such a shame that getting health care is so expensive and complicated!

  2. Ashley B says:

    Thanks Alyce for providing all of these awesome discounts and freebies all in one place! I will definitely be checking out the REI classes because I love to go biking and be outdoors. I also haven’t been to the YMCA in a while so I need to look into another membership. Thanks again for this great page of discounts! 

  3. LineCowley says:

    With the high cost of supplements and medication, it is great to see that there are discounts and even free options available. And the same goes for gym membership. 

    If you want to exercise on a regular basis and cannot afford the membership fees, then exercising ta home can become lonely, so to be able to join a group and get access to free exercises, is great. I wish more countries would offer these great deals for discounts and free options to have a healthy life.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Line, We’re all so blessed to live in a time when common ailments can be easily treated with prescription medications. Unfortunately, the cost of certain medications is more than some budgets can handle. Hopefully, these generous programs are able to help our friends and families stay healthy without causing undue financial burdens. 

  4. Russ Green says:

    Personally, I really do need to start taking more care of my health, I’m over weight and I don’t do much in the form of exercise these days, I’m also on a low budget, so I’m pleased that I came across your informative article Alyce, you must have done lots of research to have found all these discount programs and special offers, I am on long term medication for high blood pressure so I will certainly be taking advantage of the discounts I have found here, thank you for sharing this very useful information, I have bookmarked this website for future reference.


    • Alyce says:

      Hi Russ, we all need to take care of our health in order to perform our best. It’s sometimes a challenge to find ways to stay engaged and motivated, so it’s great to see a variety of free options to gain some momentum on that front. 

      Wishing you all the best, Alyce

  5. Aabidah Ahmed says:

    I am always one for living a healthy lifestyle and I love discounts! and Freebies!

    I will definitely join the Free Fitness Events and Classes. Yoga is what I like to add to my routine of working out. I do yoga after working out to calm down my muscles after training them. I won’t mind these free extra lessons on yoga.

    Thank you for sharing such a wide variety of options and for covering this topic.

    All the best to you.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Aabidah! Isn’t it awesome that there are so many different free classes to take advantage of? Yoga is such a great way to stay centered — excellent choice!

      Warm Regards, Alyce

  6. AmDetermined says:

    Your area of specification requires a lot, you are indeed a hard working type in your researchs for you to get many program that helps in discount it is not an easy task keep it up I like it.

    i have note among the list in your post that offer almost free fitness classes because I don’t joke with my fitness I would visit one of the programs in your list. 

    thank for helping.

  7. Kristin says:

    Thanks for the tips 🙂 I’ve done both the Classpass and Lululemon free event before in LA. They had a beach yoga event, entirely free. Highly recommend for anyone in a city they run events in as they’re taught by actual trained instructors and are usually more interesting than a gym class.

    • Alyce says:

      How cool! I’d love to try a beach yoga class – that sounds so good for the body and spirit!!
      Thanks for sharing how impressed you’ve been with both Classpass and Lululemon!!
      Warm Regards, Alyce

  8. Jay51 says:

    This website has a lot to offer in terms of available discount programs and special occasions that will appeal to many people. The list of discount programs and special occasion offers is long and extensive.

    Again, I liked your website very much, especially your choice of photos and graphics. I hope it’s very successful for you.

    Well done!

  9. Jenny says:

    This is an amazing resource page.  There are not enough of these out the for prescriptions. As someone who has to take a pill  every day and have for the last 3 years I know how costly reaccuring prescriptions can be.  I have insurence now thank goodness but this is awesome for when you don’t. I cannot believe the price of some medications today, even the generic ones.  I think this is an awesome page, very useful!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Jenny, I imagine there are a lot of us out there who would like to spend less on Rx! It can be frustrating to comparison shop for prescriptions, but these stores make it easy with their published lists of generic drugs that qualify for the low pricing. 

      Wishing you all the best. Warm Regards, Alyce

  10. Mike says:

    Wow!  What an eye opening and completely thorough article.  I never knew there were so many options available.  This has given me a ray of sunshine today as the current medications I am taking can be a little expensive.  The fitness classes mentioned can hopefully be a good place to start with making some necessary changes to eventually reduce my medications.

    Are you aware of any senior discount rates that might be offered at the gyms you mentioned?



    • Alyce says:

      Hi Mike, It’s great that these will save you some money! I was also surprised at the fantastic Rx deals available and will be switching my pharmacy to Publix next month!! 

      The YMCA does have a small senior discount on their annual rates at my local gyms. I didn’t notice senior discounts for any others, but it never hurts to ask! Also, stay tuned for new posts as a “Senior Deals” post is coming soon. 

      Wishing you all the best! 

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