National Pancake Day at IHOP

46 Responses

  1. MrBiizy says:

    Wow! I have been privileged to eat pancakes a few times and I must admit the fact that I love pancakes so much and the way it tastes. This is my first time to hear about National Pancake Day at IHO. Looks like a great time to eat more pancakes but I am not sure this day is celebrated in my country. I’d check the website you linked. Thanks.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Mr Biizy, I do think this is just for the USA but it certainly doesn’t hurt to check in your own country… just in case!

  2. Nuttanee says:

    When is it a national pancake day? Is it today? Omg I love pancakes especially at IHOP, I love all those 3 syrups on the table and just binge my carbs and sugar load away. lol Thank you so much for sharing the deal! I have no idea that it is the same day as Mardi Gras, what a fun day. Gonna try to get some pancakes today! 

  3. Lee says:

    I guess I need to make my way to IHOP at some point today. It appears that National Pancake Day at IHOP is today and who can really pass up a free delicious stack of pancakes from IHOP. Pair that offer with a chance to win some cool prizes and that is an overall winner to me. Thank you for sharing this great information in your post.

  4. Henry says:

    Hi! I love pancakes. And tomorrow will be February 25th. I’ll check out the nearby IHOP. Hopefully it’s participating in the event. I’m glad I came to your post and read about this just on time. And can you imagine how I came across your post? I was searching for something totally unrelated: how commercials are shot. And one commercial was about pancakes and from there I found your post.

    PD: Did you know that most commercials pour car oil instead of honey when they’re shooting pancake commercials? 

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Henry, You definitely have some good timing for some free pancakes!

      I didn’t realize that car oil is used as a visual substitute for honey!! Interesting and might look tasty but hopefully no one has accidentally tried a bite!

  5. Andrew says:

    Awesome, thanks for sharing this information! I haven’t been to an IHOP in quite some time but going on National Pancake Day/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras sounds like a great idea. I’ll have to check if any locations in my area have this promotion! Also, I had no idea that IHOP has helped raise over $30 million for children’s charities. Knowing that maybe I’ll start going to IHOP and supporting them more. Thanks again!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Andrew, It is nice to know that IHOP has helped to raise so much for those charities with the free National Pancake Day promotion. Hopefully that means the event will continue for many more years!

  6. Alejandra says:

    Yum yum, tomorrow is National Pancake Day at Ihop, 

    You gave me a good idea for tomorrow breakfast and the best of it is to help to raise some money for the children.

    I live in Canada but not far from the border, so I will talk with my husband and we’ll take a look what is the closest IHop to the border, so I keep my finger crossed!

    What a nice website you have here, I couldn’t miss some of the post you have and I think I’ll be busy checking on some of them!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Alejandra, I hope you both enjoy some great pancakes – sounds like a fun adventure. 🙂 Thanks so much for checking out the other posts!!

  7. Kevin says:

    I’ve never seen a website like this, I just learned of an interesting promotion I never knew was going on! I’ve actually never heard of IHOP or national pancake day, but this post has alerted me of the event. I might think of going, but I’ll need to do a little more research. It seems as if there’s only one IHOP restaurant where I live and it’s quite far away. Do you know of any other promotions that are more accessible, e.g. online giveaways?

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Kevin, You can enter for some of the prizes tomorrow during the contest hours. With this online option, you could still be the Grand Prize winner of “Pancakes for Life” at IHOP!

  8. Benny says:

    hello, it is a great and nice feeling to know that someone will create a great website like this and also create a write up on an article like this. between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm, so many people including can utilize and get free pancakes. it is also a great business strategy one can learn from

  9. Lalita says:

    Thank you very much for a “sweet” article. I think most of us love sweets, and pancakes are one of them. Who does not like pancakes, right?

    Love the idea behind “Pancake Day,” for raising money to help out children. Can definitely see this being a major draw for many people, having a packed out event. The prizes are also an awesome bonus!

    I think is a great idea, especially if it is made for a great cause. I am totally for this and everything it stands for.

  10. Diana says:

    Thank you very much for a “sweet” article. I think most of us love sweets, and pancakes are one of them. Who does not like pancakes, right?

    I have never heard of this concept before, “Național Pancake Day”, but I think is a great idea, especially if it is made for a great cause. I am totally for this and everything it stands for.

  11. Evagreene says:

    Wow this is amazing! What caught my attention in this article was the fact that one of the purpose of the National pancake day at IHOP is to raise funds for children in the area I must commend the pioneer of this great event. It will put an unending smile on my face to be present there. Thanks!

  12. Dave Sweney says:

    I am a huge IHOP fan and have been for years. I live overseas (I am an ex-pat) so every time I get over to the USA, I will find at least one in whatever area I might be in while there. It kind of makes a lot of sense that they would make a big celebration out of National Pancake Day.

    I really do not track all the special days that come around during the year, but it seems this is one that I really do need to follow if I am to enjoy some of the benefits that IHOP is offering! The free short stack is nice, I always order one of these anyway. 

    The “pancakes for life” contest is something I would like to enter too, I could eat them every day for life and be happy (they may not be but I would be!). The other prizes are also good, so I will go to the link you have provided to enter for sure. Does it matter if I am overseas? I also am glad they are using the event to support charities. I always knew there were a lot of reasons to like IHOP. The good they are doing really stacks up!  

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Dave, I think this promotion may only be for the USA since it’s called the “National Pancake Day”. No matter what, it’s a great excuse to check out the charities and enjoy some IHOP pancakes.

  13. Patrick says:

    We used to visit IHOP as the kids loved it there. Stopped in here with the kids on Halloween for their Scary Face pancake promotion. I ordered a short stack of pancakes and hash browns for myself. Kids got milk and so did i. People always gave their kids IHOP gift cards since it was well known that they enjoyed going there so much. 

    • Alyce says:

      Hash browns and pancakes are definitely IHOP staples. I prefer to have them with coffee rather than milk, but I love how many pancake options they have!

  14. Michael says:

    I was craving pancakes yesterday for breakfast but I was in a hurry and had to get something else on the way.

    Two of the things that I love mashed together, Charities and pancakes. A great reason for me to eat and kill my week-long craving for pancakes. I have iHOP nearby, will be contacting them to see if they will have the contest but if there are any changes, please do update us.

    I’ll be following this post 🙂

  15. Brandy says:

    Who doesn’t love pancakes?! Had no idea that it fell on the same day as Madi Gras, but can see them going hand in hand. Lol

    Love the idea behind “Pancake Day,” for raising money to help out children. Can definitely see this being a major draw for many people, having a packed out event. The prizes are also an awesome bonus! 

    Thank you for taking the time to share all of this information with us!

  16. Rose says:

     I love pancakes but between the lifetime of pancake prize and collectible glasses, I think I would rather win the collectible drinking glasses. It sure sounds like February 25th is going to be a fun-filled day, and all for a good cause.

    IHOP is doing a great job I mean raising $30 million for children charities since 2006 is a big deal, I sure wish other big companies would also adopt this spirit of caring for fellow human beings especially our young ones who are going through health challenges.

    Definitely a great article that made me crave pancakes. I do have a question though, how come no matter how hard I try my pancakes never turn out like those at IHOP? I have tried different recipes, but there is something missing.

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Rose, Depending on your location / elevation you may need to make some additional adjustments to get things to turn out just right. My mom has an amazing recipe “from scratch”, but we like to use the buttermilk boxed mix when we want a shortcut.

      • Rose says:

        OH, so if I use the Buttermilk Boxed mix, I will get better results? I will try that for sure, thank you so much. I also didn’t know my location can influence the results of my pancakes.

        I appreciate your answer.


  17. Mirza says:

    A blog that deals with gifts, gift ideas, and links to specific pages that shorten your search time on the Internet for a nice gift for a special person or occasion. An interesting way to market to specific sites that sell related items is a nice touch. Gift suggestions are enriched with links to sites that offer fast shipping for customers. All this and free pancakes on a national pancake day too? Fantastic!

    • Alyce says:

      Hi Mirza, There are lots of strange reasons for deals and freebies, but National Pancake Day sounds like a pretty good one to me!

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